Friday, September 01, 2006

Choki Choki chocolate paste review

Choki Choki
chocolate paste was the IN thing back when i was in primary school. Those were the days where we kids would rushed out to the nearest tuck shop opposite our school to get our hands on this valuable collectibles. During that time, we would probably purchase 2 tubes each day as we obviously could not afford to buy in bulk like how i can today.

The nutritional information on the back of the packet of Choki Choki chocolate paste. I never knew that such titbits are good for health too.

Choki Choki
retails for RM1.00 and it comes in 5 brown phallic tubes. The arms-wide-open mouse had been the signature design of Choki Choki since my friends like Yun Yun , Joel , Wan Ling ( my personal watch repair-er ) are still in their mum's womb. Ok, i might had gone too far but then it's been sometime.

Snip off the tip of the tube , that's how i do it. You can show your creative side by biting the tip off , chop it off, saw it off with a STANLEY mechanical saw... its up to you.

Proceed by squeezing the substance out of the tube... stuffs come out and follow through by squirting it into your mouth.


Anonymous said...

I ate Choki the other day. Seems like they cut-corners or something, tasted awful.

adamkuek said...

adol: the choki choki i got are made in indon. whats the origin of ur choki choki? this things are addictive...

makcik peah said...

Yep its pretty good