Monday, May 15, 2006

Random Thoughts

The Da Vinci Code will be out this 18th May. Gambateh!! Eventhough i do not know what it is, because i didn't bother to read the novel, it really sounds rather exotic mysterious in a way.
Hence, i had saved enough just to be watching it on a certain wednesday nite ( Economical ).

Election is coming soon, i have yet to register myself. I had been advised to, and been pushed to but still i have yet to even identify the whos-who. What does BN or DAP or even PAS stands for? Now, please really educate me on this as i am very poor with initials. A fact which can't be denied. I have always thought my Initials A.N.S.K meant Adam Need Sex Kuek. Sigh~..

In truth, its Adam Nugrichristanto Setiadi Kuek.

So, back to what most "responsible" citizen should do on election day.
  1. Register yourselve.
  2. Choose your own clan party
  3. Vote for the clan party which you support
  4. Dump the piece of shit vote into the box
It does look simple to most of you, but not to me though. This was what i did the last time around....

  1. I really hate filling up blanks in a piece of paper and i will actually pay any volunteers to help me fill in the blanks in the register form.
  2. Choosing my own party is rather troublesome as i had to go through the who's who and which face am i comfortable with. For example, i would actually vote for some untried candidate and people who i think have the potential to become losers.
  3. Voting is easy as i just need to polished up my sketching skills. The last time i drew a rocket, i really did feel quite impressed with my artwork. Minus the shading effects though. (oops..i just leak out something.. )
  4. The last time , i was told to DUMP the vote into the box. After 56th failed attempts, another voter politely remind me to place and insert the vote into the box. Damn those staffs for not providing proper DUMPING procedures. I even went up to the staff and gave legit excuse reasons that i had hurt my wrist the day before after some football match. IT really made me that MORE stupid.

This time around, i am more prepared to vote. The steps are easy. Just remember to;

  1. Have a steady grip on the piece of ballot paper. Double check on the authencity of the ballot paper through gently feeling the quality of the ballot paper with the tip of your finger. A smooth surfaced ballot paper "IS" a quality paper.
  2. Positioned your fingers at a 45deg angle as your thumb and your 2nd finger meets.
  3. Apply enough pressure on the ballot paper to ensure a steady grip. If you have trouble on deciding the amount of pressure, try to think of the ballot paper as a spoon.
  4. With your body facing just a mere 2-1/2 feet away from the ballot box, slowly and steadily target the opening of the box and decide from which angle to slide your ballot paper in. Diameter of the opening varies at each polling station. The standard size will be around 3".
  5. The most prefered angle to slide the ballot paper in is around 30deg as it does not put much pressure on your wrist. Some may attempt a 360deg angle which might look impressive but the consequences are having a sore joint around the wrist.
  6. Ensure that your surroundings are left vacant to have your pictures taken. Remember to smile once you enter or exit the polling station. With so many camera flashes going on and off inside, it's ideal that you retain a respectable smile and confident walking posture. ( Only at certain polling stations )
  7. Thank you.

Did you know: I will be going to the polling station this 20th of May. Gambateh.