Monday, February 20, 2006

Cock Talk: 20th february 2006

Date: 20th february 2006
Featuring: Yvonne Chin, Adrian Tiong , Patrick Wu , me and my Dad.

Today's cock talker comes from our one and only people's chump...Patrick Wu. His very disturbing quotes are recorded as follow:

Patrick Wu: Wow..look at that Rav 4 with that very very sweet looking rims. How big is it?
Adrian Tiong: 18"?
Patrick Wu: No...20" ( cocktalk spotted 1 )
( As the female driver parked her sweet looking 17" 20" rims car .... )
Yvonne Chin: Hmm....a girl driver neh..
Patrick Wu: Eh.... why change driver liaw? Last time was a guy's car. ( Cocktalk spotted 2 )
Adam Kuek: what's wrong with having a girl driving it?
Patrick Wu: I think the car sell ol..sell to a girl. Last time was a guy. ( Cocktalk spotted 3)
Adam Kuek: Huh? next time your car let your gf drive so other ppl like you will say you sell your car to a girl liaw huh? Sot...
Patrick Wu: Oh....yahoh...

Adam's Remarks: Basically i think that it's either patrick did not had much sleep yesterday or he is just plain blur.