Thursday, February 16, 2006

Chinese New Year's at Julie Kho's:
( The conversation happened during my last visit to Julie Kho's house at Chinese New Year )

Hui Chong: Wow, your rottweiler looks kinda aggresive eh?
Julie Kho: Yes , to others but not to my father or any family members.
Adam: Wow.... i didnt know that.
Julie Kho: ......
Hui Chong: How old is your rottweiler?
Julie Kho: About 4 years old i guess. Ya 4 years.
Hui Chong: Oic... , How many years is 4 years old? ( Believe me, he actually asked this )
Julie Kho: 4 Years ... 4 years old lo. ( and i can't believe she actually bother to answer him that )
Adam: Wow..... I never knew someone is so poor in maths than myself , at least i know 2 x 3 is 8.

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