This serves as a notice to all that i am writing this article from my cousin's cyber cafe and we are all high with alcohol. So , i hope whatever was written wasn't really intended at first.
As you can see, theres not much updates to my blog as of late. No, you can't say i was just another of those one hit wonders. The reason was due to the fact that i am extremely extremely truly and honestly busy.
I didn't date girls, i don't have the time to look for any potential girls to be my partner. (
not that i am thinking of it, but if i somehow did, it's none of your business...unless you are really pretty inside and outside). Then, how is it possible for me to go out with girls when i have not even talk to one nowadays? The ridiculous part is where someone, told me that she overheard people saying i am dating girls like theres no tommorow.
Correction! Did i saw something in that sentence? Dating girls like theres no tomorrow? In Miri?
I feel like stabbing myself in the neck and laugh like theres no tomorrow to be honest with you. Miri girls are either too scared to come out to bare their skin, or they are just plain boring, i don't know. Someone please enlighten me with that. Where have all the girls gone?
As far as i know, this girls only hang around places like salons, clubbing scene and bridal studios. I mean that's where you wanna go if your main objective is to look for girls. But take into account that, girls who usually hang around bridal studio are just looking for marriage. So, not a good idea too.
Ah..finally the excess alcoholic beverage i took is kicking in. Nice, so let's touch on the topic of what's wrong with pretty girls and their ugly friends.
Have you come across a scene where you are walking in a mall, and you suddenly notice a very pretty girl walking gracefully with 2 of her female bodyguards with her who look very very very different from the pretty girl?
Well, let's just make this simple. Pretty girl with 2 of her ugly shrek-liked friends.
You get me now don't you?
Nod silently if you do.
Now, i really dislike this sort of girls for some reason.
First, they are usually stucked up and you cant blame them because they are indeed born pretty and they know it. So they will do all they can just to see some guy making a joke out of himself just to get near her.
Now, i don't know what's wrong with this pretty girl. But something tells me that this sort of girls are not those which you really wanna go for.
She knows she has 2 ugly friends with her, now she knows she's the one who is the prettiest in the threesome. Pretty girl hangs around ugly friends and tells them that they are pretty too.
Now, after few months of trying to make an ugly friend believe she really is pretty when she is not, what happens to the guys out there?
I'll just give an example. A true example:
David C. is just an ordinary guy wishing to get laid before 30. One day, he met Princess J at a night market. He said it was love at first sight (
which to me was just bullshit at it's best ) and he wanted to get to know her but he just don't know where to start and he was afraid of looking like a needy dork if he somehow just went straight up and tell her she's his type. He isn't one of those confident type so he opted for the "bridging" technique which i believe MOST guys out there are very very very aware of.
So, David C. approach the shrek-liked friends of Princess J . Now, it's just every guy's nature to be absolutely calm when they are surrounded by girls who do not interest him at all. David C thought that if he started of with the ugly ones, maybe he would stand a bigger chance of getting to know Princess J afterall they are best buddies right? NO.
The problem is this. The times spent together which Princess J and her Shrek-liked friends had somehow convinced the ugly ones that they are also extremely pretty and they started to act like one stuck up girl you normally get in Miri.
David C. = 0 , Princess J and her Shrek-mates = 1
I really need to get a good rest now. It's not as if i am writing anything useful. Oh btw, guys out there who read my article, it's hard out there now. It really is.