Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Something to take heed of..

The world is getting more and more dangerous. My mum had always warned me not to loiter around dark secluded places for the fear of being rape by girls rob by armed maskmen.

This morning, i came across a section of the newspaper which reported on 3 robbery cases which happened within a period of 2 hours and msot of them happened in parks as well. Unbelievable!

Now, i fear going out for a date with pretty girls. Who knows the girls might wacked me and robbed me off my clothes, my shoes, my Sony Dsc-t30.... . I don't mind getting robbed off my virginity though. Lol. *Ehem*

Anyways , i recommend any couples who wants to make love date inside their car nowadays, to be extra cautious . Do always lock your doors at all times.

You never know it might be!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.