" Hey adam, he's looking at you.... i think he wants you "
Die lor me!!! This phrase has been lingering over my brain for the past 2 days. Not AGAIN! Okay! I know that i won't have any probs making the opposite sex get attracted to me, but heck, i'm not into same sex ok?!? Even if the world comes to an end, i would not have feelings for any guys ok? Unlike few people i know...
Adam: What's with that gay stuff anyway? This is serious dude. I need some exlanation on why this is happening?
Huat: Maybe it's that people see ya hanging around with those good mates of yours?
Adam: No Way, we have gf's. Tiew.. i think people see me hanging out with ya guys few days back eh?
Huat: No..
Adam: Yes...damn u groupies are love buds and sissy playmates!
Huat: No...
Adam: You dare deny? I got the evidence man.. u guys are sick.

Actually, i have nothing against guys who love guys or guys who have feelings towards the same sex. But then, i do not condone such acts cause it will just tarnish my image. There are so many fishes in the sea, why choose a guy? WHY? WHY?!? (Tell me why..Ohh~ Nothing but an heartache~...tell me why.... backstreetboys ) . After browsing through stacks and piles of their pics..... i really did felt quite uneasy. I don't know if it's me or what but then just look at it yourselve and decide.
But one thing i know for sure who actually made them the way they are now is this person:
But one thing i know for sure who actually made them the way they are now is this person:
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